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Laut Gerüchten fell the Wahl for the Rolle von Snape in the Harry Potter Series on an unreliable schauspieler. I know the name “Gangs of London”.

That TV Show zu Harry Potter It is one of the most important problems that arise in the planning phase. Although there is no scheduler for role-playing, it is not a matter of mangle and play, but of the beloved characters from the book being played. Laut HBO with the cast ‘farbenblind’ signalwhere it is “sad” and the Bücher stops. The Gerüchte um de Rolle von Snape appearen this Aussage zu bestätigen.

British Schauspieler Paapa Essiedu
Britischer Schauspieler Paapa Essiedu © IMAGO/Fred Duval

“Gangs of London” Star is played by Harry Potter

Professor Severus Snape is a much more skittish character, from Harry’s Schulleben in Hogwarts’ big hat. Seine Rolle would play in the films of the fantastic Alan Rickman. In the TV series called the British star Paapa Essiedu, it has become “internal Quellen”. HollywoodReporter mitgeteilt. The schauspieler depicted in the series “Gangs of London”, “Black Mirror” or “The Lazarus Project” can be successfully missed.

If the Gerüchte is the best, the Essie will be an undisputed Wahl experience. Social media fans and Reddit it seems that the Schauspieler Adam Driver as Snape lasts longer. Drivers career has a role as Kylo Ren in the last “Star Wars” Trilogy a comet haften experience. This is a great experience for Alan Rickman’s demonic Snape. That fan-fan wouldn’t have heard HollywoodReporter’s Quellen.

HBO has the impression that there is commentary with sour content. In one of the following statements it reads: “It is astonishing that a series of high-quality series is reviving a large number of arguments and speculations. If we leave during production, the details will be displayed first when the display is cut off.”

Weren’t we on the Harry Potter Series broadcasts?

The speculations and the service are not part of the Sneep-Rolle. Auch zu Dumbledore provides more information about Quellen von Variety. Laut ihnen soll from the Schauspieler Mark Rylance the first Wahl for the Rolle des gutmütigen Zauberer’s signal. There are movies within movies with “Don’t Look Up” that has been in the movies and theater for 30 years.

If the series is confiscated, the names will no longer last as they all focus on Cillian Murphy. The Schauspieler, who sits in the “Oppenheimer” brilliant hat, will himself find the “OG-Voldemort” as the perfect Besetzung-angesehen. Ralph Fiennes mentioned Murphy in an interview on “Watch What Happens Live”. “fantastic schauspieler” bezeichnet en sagte, thats there “sehr dafur” ist, that’s Murphy die Rolle übernimmt.

You can find more about Harry Potter here:

New HBO series about Harry Potter: chef and director discuss succession

Harry Potter: Daniel Radcliffe stars in the Max Series

Harry Potter: Max Series will be released in 2026 and begin

This accusation is praised by HollywoodReporter’s Quellen. Because it is also longer, we could see the believable characters from the books in the TV series. If the wart lasts a long time and requires an urgent dose of magic in our lives, then it will take care of everything Unpatient 10 magical bookswhich ihr ihr in de Zeit könnt read.

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